Michelle Kriticos

My Activity Tracking


My target 42kms

A great cause!

Always looking for ways to give back, after the incredible support we recieved for Hector šŸ’™(Bacterial meningitis at just 3 months old) He made a full recovery thanks to the work of this Foundation, the Queensland Childrens Hospital and all the incredible Doctorā€™s and Nurseā€™s. Please help me raise a small amount for a good cause as every little bit helps šŸ’™

I'm going the distance for sick kids this August!

Iā€™ve signed up for the 2023 42k Your Way challenge to raise money for the Childrenā€™s Hospital Foundation!

Please support me in whatever way you can - by donating, youā€™ll be helping thousands of sick kids and their families.

Thank you so much for your generosity, it means a lot!

Thank you to my Sponsors





Go Mich!!!


Sam Soliman



Keep up the good work.




Sam Davidson

Good on you for supporting this great cause and good luck with the run!


Tec Hempcrete

Way to go Michelle!


Ross Sandison

Run Sis run, hope you smash it and all for a great cause after they looked after Hector so well!


Nicole & Paul

Onya Michelle!! Xx


Michelle Kriticos



Keep going Miche!!! šŸƒ‍ā™€ļø


Louise James

Go Miche!


The Mossops


Tiffany House


Dave Sandison

Michelle, we should increase our sponsorship for your worthy cause. We remember the hospital and their excellent staff and equipment. If you make it to 100 dollars ( have to run twice as fast ).....


Tiacobiella Lambos

So proud of you Shelle!! An amazing cause to support. Beautiful way to thank all the foundation and hospital staff! You go girl!!


Kirsty Xx

Run forest run :) What a great thing to do for a wonderful cause xx



Great job Michelle xx



What a fabulous cause!!!


Georgie Hector Kriticos

Go mummy! šŸƒ‍ā™€ļøšŸƒ‍ā™€ļø







Go Michey šŸ’ŖšŸ’«


Suzanne Bailey

Good luck x