Laura Boers

My Activity Tracking


My target 42kms

Why I’m Running 🏃🏼‍♀️

One year ago today, our youngest little boy had surgery at 10 days old to correct an issue that was causing him breathing and feeding difficulties. 

Those first 10 days together saw him spend time in an incubator in the special care nursery, visit two emergency departments, get transported between hospitals in a neonatal ambulance in the middle of the night and spend a week in a high care room of the Children’s Hospital baby ward. 

I have never been so tired and worried in my life as I was over those 10 days. And I know that our brief stay was nothing compared to what many of the families on the ward with us were enduring. 

One morning when I was able to make myself a cup of tea in the parents kitchen of the hospital ward, I saw a poster advertising the annual 42k your way fundraising event raising money for the Children’s Hospital foundation to support unwell children and their families and decided that from now on each year I will take part to give a little something back as a thank you for the care we received.  

So this August I will be finding my possible and completing 42km of runs (more I hope!) to raise money for the special foundation 🫶🏼

I'm going the distance for sick kids this August!

I’ve signed up for the 2023 42k Your Way challenge to raise money for the Children’s Hospital Foundation!

Please support me in whatever way you can - by donating, you’ll be helping thousands of sick kids and their families.

Thank you so much for your generosity, it means a lot!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Judy Clifton

Good luck Laura!


Laura Boers


Eliza Angus

Amazing Lor! So glad the Children’s Hospital could be there for you guys and your little man, and amazing to see you giving back ❤️❤️❤️