
We're raising money for an area of greatest need

We've created this page because we want to make a difference.

We have people close to us who have felt the challenges of having a sick little one. They have stories of how amazing medical staff and hospitals have been in their journey and we want to help raise money to support families in these situations. 

We're inspired by the work that the Children’s Hospital Foundation do, so we wanted to raise money for them as part of my participation in 42k Your Way.

Please help us help them by giving whatever you can using the 'donate' button. The more people that know about the Children’s Hospital Foundation, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family.

We plan on rolling through this challenge through the next month and your support and generosity would mean a lot! 

Our Achievements

Shared our page

Raised $500

Raised $1,000

Raised $2,000

Thank you to our Sponsors



Good on yah baby brother


Eddie Seni



Great work cara !!!



Nice one!


Benny Phillips

Good stuff mate, get after it.


Phil Seni

Good luck bruz


Paulette Ramia


Tilly And Harriet Ada

Good job guys 👏


The Young Family

Amazing Cara! 👏


Imagine Holidays


Rhonda Baines


Helen Tobin


George Edols

Keep up the great work!


Cara Baines


Imagine Holidays


The Reardon's

You guys are the best! X




Charmaine Woods

Love your work!


Emily Hearnden


Imagine Holidays



